So here it is.
2010 is coming.
The air smells ominous.
We blinked, got gassed up on hope and the next thing you know it’s the dawn of a new decade.
The second half is half of the first half.
The 2nd ½ is ½ of the 1st ½.
In preparation for what is shaping up to be “the yea” (MA accent)
I’m taking some steps. Making some changes. Summing some summations.
One ever notable one is that as of today I am in possession of a computer with a fully functional keyboard. No more copying and pasting non-operational keys like my Ms, Ss, and periods from other portions of the screen or from the alphabet notepad file on my desktop. Also strange and unfamiliar to me is that the screen on this laptop stays up on its own, unlike the one I had been using for the last year. At first my old laptop’s screen would only stay upright if you found one of its two sweet spots. As of a couple months ago the screen would collapse back of forth unless it was propped in place, usually with a pen. While this new machine operates manifestly slower, having a functional keyboard is a necessary trade off for the time being. My hope and aspiration is that it lends itself to much more regular writing on my part and also accelerates my ability to find a new job.
I am also starting a new low calorie and low carbohydrate diet. It’s planned out by doctors (namely my “coach”, my aunt Farideh). The majority of my food intake will consists of 5 servings of pre-ordered food such as shakes, bars, and whathaveyous. In addition there is one other meal per day which should be “Lean and Green” and very calorie and carbohydrate restricted. Thus I will be essentially giving up the sauce so long as I am on this plan. This is another big change which will no doubt improve my life, I have ordered a months supply of the food and will begin most likely next Monday after I’ve picked up the package which is waiting at my mom’s house in Stamford.
I’ve coupled this diet with a new gym membership. Two great things about the Chelsea Recreation Center are its proximity to my place (3 blocks away) and the price ($75 for the whole year). The gym is very bare bones and will likely often be crowded, but I have a secret weapon to help me. I purchased an SD card and reader for my phone, along with headphones that fit the proprietary jack verizon has so kindly installed on it. With these tools I have made an mp3 player of my phone. Already I have found myself doing sit-ups, crunches, and push-ups in my room while wearing the earplugs.
While it may not be the theme for 2010, the theme for the time being is most certainly “grit”.
Chop wood.
Carry water.